The disloyalty of Gazment Bardhi against Sali Berisha to change the Justice Reform according to the American model, this is the condition of the Reestablishment to become part of the special anti-corruption commission

The disloyalty of Gazment Bardhi against Sali Berisha to change the Justice

The leak of information from SPAK about his and his wife's arrest panics Ilir Meta, the PL president threatens the special prosecutors and GJKKO, here are the files that are expected to lead them to prison

The leak of information from SPAK about his and his wife's arrest panics

Ilir Demalia speaks openly, from the illnesses that Ervin Salianji has to escape from prison, to the strong reason why SPAK is not waiting for the "VIP" arrest warrants, this is why Rama should clean the cabinet and the advisors around him

Ilir Demalia speaks openly, from the illnesses that Ervin Salianji has to escape

How the weapons were stolen from the Pashaliman military base and the perpetrators were never discovered, Artur Meçollari reveals the shocking details, warns that his testimony could sink many former senior military leaders of the Naval Force, here are...

How the weapons were stolen from the Pashaliman military base and the

The British and Germans do not guarantee their safety, the reason why Edi Rama postponed the meetings with the Albanians in England and Germany that were scheduled to be held on June 2 and 16 is revealed

The British and Germans do not guarantee their safety, the reason why Edi Rama

Here's what you need to know about the salary change from July 1 for the administration and the latest news on pension increases, from indexation to the new scheme, the well-known economic expert gives the details

Here's what you need to know about the salary change from July 1 for the

"Metamorfoza 4" is about to be the most shocking of all the files published to date by SPAK, related to the crime of high-level police officials, local officials and important politicians, here are the details from the latest operation prosecutors prepare

"Metamorfoza 4" is about to be the most shocking of all the files

Here's what's happening with Ilir Meta's files in SPAK, Romeo Kara brings out the hard details and talks about the well-known politician involved in offshore companies that weighed 2 million and 400 thousand euros because he was too lazy to count them

Here's what's happening with Ilir Meta's files in SPAK, Romeo


Europe Day, EU ambassador Gonzato cut: Realize the reforms!

Europe Day, EU ambassador Gonzato cut: Realize the reforms!

On Europe Day, the EU ambassador in Tirana, Silvio Gonzato, once again gave the message that the integration of Albania and the Western Balkans is a priority. The ambassador participated in an activity within the Europe Day, Gonzato said that the EU has already understood that it must complete the integration process, saying that the signals are clear from the union.

But, Gonzato emphasized that all the countries of the Western Balkans must carry out the reforms required by the European Union.

"There are clear signals from Brussels that we are in another moment of the expansion process. We have understood that we must complete the integration process, complete it. We are integrating an important part of the euro in this fantastic project, the signals are clear, the opening of negotiations for membership not only with Albania, with Bosnia, with Macedonia and the speed with which the member states and the EP have agreed on the growth plan, but also for reforms that are key to building the kind of society we are looking for", said Gonzato.


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